


World School

World School debate, often referred to as: Worlds, World Schools, WSD, or WSDC, is an international debate format based on British parliamentary debate. WSD is one of the newest forms of debate entering Texas only about a decade ago. WSD was formed, in part, as a response to the highly gamified and unwieldy incarnation of formats like LD and CX. WSD is distinct in a number of ways, but the most stark would be the lack of cross-examination, the addition of Points of Information, the unique structure of each speech, and the new use of speaker points. WSD is one of the most accessible, engaging, and intuitive forms of debate currently on the circuit, so I hope you'll join us this year!

Lincoln Douglas

Lincoln Douglas is a type of debate. LD is based on philosophy and can be called “value debate”. Debaters debate one on one on a topic that changes every two months. Broken up into the affirmative and negative, debaters must prepare speeches for both sides. Overall LD is fun and ever-changing and can be a great introduction to the world of debate.